Finished the day with a bad headache and my wife said my eyes were pretty red after I stopped using the monitor. Brightness ranged from 30 initially down to 0 at the end of the day. I sit over an arms' length away and was using the sRGB color mode.

The first full day I used the monitor I had an overall feeling of nausea and motion sickness. I don't have the tools to measure luminance, color accuracy, etc. sRGB mode locks out most picture settings except brightness, and defaults to 30 brightness. The monitor comes with an individual calibration sheet for the sRGB mode. Use is for office/productivity working from home. It appears Micro Center is the only retailer in the US that has these so far. I recently picked up an Acer Predator X34 GS from Micro Center and have been using for the past week or so. Sorry for the long read, let me know if you've had similar issues and if you think I'm being to picky. These monitors have great colour and speed but with the issues that I faced I cant use them I don't know if I'm too picky but I expect the monitors at this price to be immaculate so I've given up on this monitor unfortunately, getting a refund in the next couple of days. The original X34 that I've been using for about 5 years had lesser amounts of light bleed on 4 corners but all the same colour, white. the second had the same issue but this time with a fair few dead pixels the third the same issue as the second, top front of the monitor had a 30cm scuff mark

The first monitor purchased just had a lot of light bleeding. also on all 3 the back mounting brackets where scuffed on the sides like they had been pried/ re-opened. Throughout the 3 X34 GS they had strong light bleeding from all 4 corners and they differ in colour each side - blue bleeding, lighter blue, white and yellowish white. So far I've gone through 3 X34 GS's here in australia upgrading from the x34 100hz original.